I'm linking to an interesting discussion about what makes a happily-ever-after for readers. Some want exchanged I-love-yous, marriage, and kids in the epilogue. Others are content with a committed couple.
I'm in the committed couple category. If it works for the story, then I love yous are terrific. Sometimes, though, "I love you" doesn't seem realistic.
I'm revising The Seventh Sense now, but it currently ends with the hero/heroine as a committed couple rather than more. It's clear this couple belongs together, but they've known each other less than a week by the end of the story, so a marriage proposal didn't seem appropriate. I think it's the best, most realistic end to the story.
Thanks Lia! As much as I love the really, okay old-fashioned, HEA, the realist in me understands that in shorter works that take place in a small time frame it's not always possible (nor would I buy it as a reader LOL)
Amie Stuart, at 10:45 AM, May 11, 2006
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